
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday, 28 January 2009

The last post. Wow, this blog sure has changed from what it was when I created it for fun a few years ago.

Today I forgot to replenish the money in my wallet, so I was left with a measly $2note. For recess, as we had just gone for our 800m run and was feeling exhausted and dehydrated, I bought a drink which cost $1! That means I only have $1 left in a wallet. That was still ok, but the problem was that I had to stay back in school today, which meant I had to eat lunch in school! What can I buy for $1 which can last me till dinner? Well, I managed to buy some rice with mutton to temporarily suppress my hunger till I got home.

Today's HOMEC make-up was particularly interesting, as we were having the make-up with 2A. Two of the 2A students were making a fool out of themselves, which resulted in Miss Hashimah sending them out as a punishment. The moment Miss Hashimah asked them to come back into the class, they were at it again, so Miss Hashimah had to separate them, so they could not talk to each other and can continue with their work. After that, Sing Chien, who also came for the make-up class, accidentally poked Miss Hashimah with a needle, which made one of the 2A students to start 'blaming' Sing Chien by making up all kinds of jokes.

And with that, the last post has been completed, thus I would not have any more reason to continue this blog. Hopefully this blog will not fall to the point of self-collapse!

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