
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, 25 January 2010

First day of the week. Another day at school, learning new concepts and having some fun with friends in the process. School today was pretty much the same as last Monday, including the part where we leave class early for the N.E Gaming training! We left during HOMEC class, which made Ms Hashimah, our HOMEC teacher, annoyed that we had skipped her class for two weeks in a row. As result, we have to go for make-up classes again. Great, just when I have tons of tuition homework to do...

Today's N.E Gaming training was cut short as the time usage for the computer had ran out, so we could not continue and were released early. Most of us were slightly disappointed as we were looking forward to playing. Despite that, today's training was much more enjoyable than last week, since we finally got to play against one another!

When I got home, I threw my bag onto my bed and hit the showers immediately. After a warm shower, I dove into my tuition homework, spending most of the day at home doing homework. Luckily, I managed to finish my homework before dinner and had some time out after dinner.

The funny thing was that after a while, I suddenly remembered that there was a maths test tomorrow and I had not revised for it yet. I literally jumped at that moment and pulled out my maths notes from my neatly packed school bag to revise. When I finished, it was already quite late and I still have to write this blog post. I hope I can wake up tomorrow...

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