
Monday, January 25, 2010

Friday, 22 January 2010

The last school day of the week. Another week gone, bringing the exams closer and closer. Classes were as usual today, although history class was especially amusing. Mr Thiru, the history teacher, punished Wei Jie for making a fool out of himself in class by making him squat at the front of the class. Gavin, who would usually be the one punished in class as he had a bad habit of talking back at the teacher, said 'lucky, this time not me' in Chinese. As Me Thiru could not understand Chinese, he punished Gavin along with Wei Jie! The class laughed at how unlucky Gavin was!

CCA training today was as tiring as usual, though surprisingly, I kind of enjoyed it as today was the first day the Sec 1s came for training! At long last, our batch was no longer the 'worst'!

What's more, as Mr David Lee, our teacher-in-charge, wanted to speak to our seniors, we were dismissed at 5.00pm! How happy everyone was to be dismissed early as the physical training that day was exceptionally strenuous. I and a couple of my friends would always stay in school after training for a while to play basketball. Since we were dismissed early, we could play to our heart's content without worrying about how late it was!

When I got home, I had to unpack my NCC uniform. It was quite a tiring process as there were many parts of the uniform that could not be washed and had to be taken off, but I managed to pull through in the end.

Tomorrow is the start of the weekends, and just so happens to be the birthday of one of my cousins! I hope she has some good food for the party tomorrow!

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